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- آدرس کوتاه شده مقاله: https://bahareadab.com/article_id/1445
- کد doi مقاله: Doi: 10.22034/bahareadab.2023 .16 .6490
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 16،
number In Volume 2،
issue Number 84
Analysis of the style and content of the manuscript version of "Navader al-Vaqaye’" by Ahmad Danesh
Masoumeh Dehghan-Shiri , Ali Asghar Bavand Shahriari (Author in Charge), Asieh Zabihnia , Hossein Yazdani
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: "Navader al-Vaqaye’" by "Ahmad Danesh" (1875-1890) is one of the important works in the field of education. Danesh is one of the important personalities of Tajikistan and his works have had a great impact on the education of this land. He was a writer, philosopher, astrologer, architect, painter and poet, and for some time he was present in the court of a noble like "Nasrullah Mughniti". He traveled to Russia three times and the experience of his travels has been reflected in his works, especially his most important work "Anecdotal Events".
METHODOLOGY: This research is based on descriptive-analytical method.
FINDINGS: In this book, the author has raised issues such as parents" rights, family issues, marriage, choosing a job, Islamic lifestyle, philosophy, Sufism, governance and military system, which had a great impact on the culture of his people.
CONCLUSION: In most cases, the language of this book is simple and comprehensible to the general public and is far from artificiality. From a literary point of view, arrays such as saj", puns, references to the Qur"an and hadith are widely used in it. From an intellectual point of view, the author, relying on religious elements and the views of mysticism and Sufism, has expressed his beliefs about the Islamic way of life and interaction with others, and in addition, he has also presented materials about his ideal and desired life.
Ahmad Danesh
, "Navader al-Vaqaye’"
, literary style
, language style
, intellectual style
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